Mack the Dog is an animated story about a loveable dog who gets into all sorts of mischief, while hu
看更多 »Alana Noakes
Learn Actions with Us
Did you know that to learn action words, a child must first learn to identify them (i.e. point to th
看更多 »Mack the Dog Early Language Development
Mack the Dog is an animated story about a loveable dog who gets into all sorts of mischief, while hu
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This application supports cause and effect play development, joint attention and fine motor skill de
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Learn basic sentence structures by sequencing visuals of the different components of sentences.This
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Learn how to use adjectives to describe different objects, by sequencing the visuals of the differen
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Learn how to describe action picture scenes by including adjectives in the sentence structure; Subje
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This application was written and developed by Australian Speech Pathologist, Alana Noakes, to fill a
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Have fun learning emotions with the Rainbow Feelings Bear! Follow Bear's story as he experiences
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This app is all about a young duck called 'Fred'. Listen to his animated story 'Is It Ti
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